Annual Report & Accounts 2021


District Commissioner 

A Scout is never taken by surprise
he knows exactly what to do
when anything unexpected happens.

Robert Baden-Powell 


This year has been full of the unexpected, but as we should, we have done our best to continue scouting.

The covid pandemic has affected us all in many ways at work, in education and our social lives. For some there will be long lasting changes and we mourn the loss of loved ones.

It was fortunate that we had already started to use online video calling for some of our district meetings giving our groups access to the technology to deliver online scouting. This was further advanced with support, programmes and events from both Greater London Middlesex West Scout County and The Scout Association.

Our District Events calendar was very different but still started off with our St. George’s Day Awards Event, our first entry into online scouting with a memorable (or not) rendition of the National Anthem.

Members took part in; Easter Eggstravaganza Camp at Home, The Hike to the Moon, The Virtual Animal Adventure, The Great Indoors Weekender, and ELEVATE.

Given all the changes to scouting, it is unsurprising that we have not reached out goals for top awards this year. However, I must congratulate those that did, using inventive ways to fulfil the requirements of the Chief Scout’s Award.

As 2021 started the County Commissioner approached me to discuss the restructuring of districts in the northeast of the county. During January & February we held consultation discussions with our membership and with members in the other district affected.

It is evidence of the County’s support for our vision and drive to grow scouting that they asked us to take on a wider geographical area and the management of groups previously in other districts.

Following this process, the trustees of Willesden District Scout Council agreed to change our name to Brent District Scout Council, this aligns us with the Borough Council with advantages for co-operative working. With this we also welcome new members to our district who are excited to join our journey to offer scouting to more young people in The London Borough of Brent.

We must now look to the future, there are already signs that the demand for outdoor activity and what scouting has to offer will be greater than we have seen in recent years.

Do your best!

David Kitchen


District Chair

The Covid-19 pandemic has challenged the Scouting movement to adapt and accommodate change at an unprecedented rate. At the beginning of April 2020, under full lockdown, groups had to re-invent themselves and developed a virtual offering that could be delivered remotely. Little did we know that this would be the case for the whole of 2020/2021 year.

Although this was a struggle for many leaders, scout programmes were re-designed, and most groups managed to deliver some elements of scouting to our members at a time when they desperately needed our support. The significant impact of Covid and the temporary suspension of face-to-face scouting dramatically impacted membership numbers and especially our fledgling new groups. The District and its Development Officer continued to support groups throughout this difficult time.

The Scout Association have always focused on the safety of our membership and instituted a system of risk assessments linked to making scouting Covid secure. The Trustees also reviewed and have enhanced the oversight of health and safety procedures and risk assessments at group properties under a new task group headed by the District Secretary. A grants application process for urgent work has also been established.

The District met virtually and despite some IT challenges has continued to develop under fresh impetus from our District Treasurer (Frank) and Secretary (Giles) within a framework developed by our District Commissioner. Properties currently being managed by the District continued to be maintained with Trevor taking the lead, supported at the Randall Avenue site by David and Thomas.

As highlighted within the District Treasurers report our income from lettings evaporated overnight, but Covid grants and the furlough scheme have ensured the District financial position remains solid and positioned to assist individual groups where difficulties were identified, while fully funding the District and County membership fees for some groups.

We remain focused on the objective of strengthening and broadening the support network at all levels and develop our young leaders to ensure future sustainability and membership growth within existing and new groups. 

Personally, I would like to thank all the amazing and committed people that together contribute to scouting across Brent. Over the course of the year David, our District Commissioner, has worked hard to support groups and develop a framework and strategy for scouting in Brent, while accessing innovative opportunities which are highlighted in his report.

Within the Executive, I would like to thank David, Derek, Frank, Giles and Trevor who have spent an immense amount of time and energy supporting Scouting across the District, establishing a more robust Executive structure with the financial and administrative disciplines and procedures to support our growth and development strategy in the future.

Frank has amazing enthusiasm and has transformed the financial reporting of the District and is actively supporting groups to establish more robust financial disciplines. Giles has also upgraded the recording and organisation of District meetings while making a significant impact to the debates over risk assessments and strategy.  Trevor’s legendary energy and passion for scouting remains unabated and we are deeply indebted to his practical advice, insight, and humour at Executive meetings. Theresa, Lorraine, Wayne, Hugh, James, Matthew, and Denise all contributed to keeping the District Executive moving forward and supporting scouting through a very difficult time.

Sadly, we said a final farewell to Ted Peck, who passed away early February, a great supporter of scouting and of Willesden District where he was Chair for many years. He will always be remembered with fondness and gratitude for his contribution to the District.

As the year drew to a close the County announced a re-organisation of Districts to align closer to local authority boundaries. After consultation with existing Willesden groups the Trustees embraced this change and have worked hard to prepare for the transition of Willesden District into Brent District. We welcome the 8th Kenton and Dragons Explorer Unit and the addition of the 1st Kingsbury scout site to form the new Brent District from April 2021. A Brent Plan has been developed and we are both excited and look forward to implementing this over the next two years.

As a youth movement we have been challenged to adapt and evolve at an unprecedented rate in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. The “blended” scouting and virtual meetings across 2020/21 have been very different but in true scouting spirit our leaders have risen to the challenge. We have only been able to achieve this through the support of the local community, leaders and volunteers and I would like to acknowledge and thank everyone who has contributed to scouting across Willesden District.

Martin Beard


Top Awards Per Year

Youth Awards

The awards that we give to our Youth members represent the culmination of significant activity within our youth sections. There are awards in all sections allowing young people to progress through The Chief Scout’s Bronze Award (Beavers), Silver (Cub), Gold (Scouts), Platinum (Explorers), Diamond (Explorers) and The Queen’s Scout Award (Explorers and Network).

In our 2020-2023 Growth & Development Plan we have a single aim that:

More young people in Brent will achieve the Chief Scout’s Awards and the Queen’s Scout Award.

Given that we are only at the end of first year of this plan we didn’t expect significant results.  However, covid has clearly had a significant effect on scouting which has also reduced achievement here.  The 28th Willesden should be particularly congratulated for the achievement detailed below.



Total District Membership


AGM Election Results 2021 & Committee Appointments


County Training Update