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Brent District Scout Council
Brent District Scout Council is a registered charity in accordance with the Rules of The Scout Association (Registration No. 1046, Registered Charity No. 271413) covering the area of the London Borough of Brent.
The Scout Association (Registered Charity No. 306101) is incorporated by Royal Charter to promote the development of young people in achieving their full physical, intellectual, social and spiritual potentials as individuals, as responsible citizens and as members of their local, national and international communities.
The Charter of The Association provides for the making of By-Laws approved by Her Majesty in Council which, in turn, authorise the making of the Rules referred to above (known as ‘Policy, Organisation and Rules’, or ‘P.O.R.’).
The District’s charity trustees, who are the Executive Committee, cannot act outside the Royal Charter, By-Laws and Rules of The Scout Association.
District Headquarters:
Scout Approach, Village Way, Neasden, London, NW10 0LH
Scout Groups
Every Scout Group is an unincorporated association constituted in accordance with the Rules of The Scout Association. Scout Groups are excepted charities under Statutory Instrument 1966 No. 1044.