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Patrol Challenge 2025

  • Tolmers Scout Camp Tolmers Road Potters Bar, England, EN6 4JS United Kingdom (map)

Applications are sought from patrols from Scout Troops and Explorer Scout Units within the District of Brent to compete in the annual Patrol Camping Challenge.

The Patrol of the Year competition will consist of a standing patrol camp from Friday, 27th June 2025, to Sunday, 29th June 2025. Patrols will compete against each other (regardless of troop/unit membership) to prove to the judges that they are best.  All aspects of the patrol’s activity will be judged with an emphasis on the following:

  • Skills

  • Team-work

  • Leadership

The cost of the camp (covering the campsite, activities (inc. archery & rifles), and judging arrangements, but not equipment or food) will be Β£20 per attendee (i.e. Β£120 for a patrol of 6).

Booking Deadline: TBC

Trophies and Pennants

There will be five trophies up for grabs during the weekend:

  • Best Newcomer Award for a patrol with no one that has taken part before.

  • The Brent District Scouts Patrol of the Year Trophy

  • The Brent District Explorer Scouts Patrol of the Year Trophy

  • The Brent District Scouts Cookery Competition Trophy

  • The Brent District Scouts Archery Trophy

  • The Brent District Scouts Rifle Trophy

Pennants (small flags) will be awarded graded A, B and C based on point scoring for display at future District events. 

Basic requirements

Patrols are expected to bring all equipment required (equipment option available).  In terms of tents:

  • Sleeping tent(s) (may be of any type, but a maximum of three are permitted, and boys and girls must have separate tents for sleeping in).

  • Store tent (must be separate from the sleeping tent, large enough for all food and equipment whilst not in use, and must allow sufficient ventilation).

  • Dining shelter (must be distinct from the store tent and be of sufficient size to allow the whole Patrol to sit under it).

  • NB toilet tents are not required.

Patrols are expected to bring all food required, store it properly and prepare all items on site (no pre-cut vegetables etc.).  Alcohol is not permitted, even as an ingredient.  Judges will inspect all food and remove any that is out of date (even if it has been frozen).

Gas appliances must be in good order.  Any deemed unsafe by the judges will be removed.

Alter fires will be provided (No ground fires are allowed). NB firewood is available, but provided kindling is recommended.

Camp gadgets are not judged as a subject in their own right but do contribute to overall site development. Well-constructed camp gadgets, made using traditional Scouting techniques, are therefore likely to attract higher marks during the judging of the site. Gadgets should be constructed on-site, but wood may be brought to site already cut to size. No live wood can be cut at the campsite.  Patrols are advised to bring all the gadget wood that they may require.

Axes and saws must have appropriate covers and must only be used by scouts with adequate safety knowledge.

Sheath knives are permitted on camp but must be legal (i.e. blade no longer than 7 cm). They must be used properly and sheathed when not in use. Contravention of this rule will result in confiscation of the knife until the end of the camp when it will be returned to the Scout Leader. It is strongly advised that clasp knives are brought in preference to sheath knives.

Mobile phones may not be brought to camp.

Wet pits must not be dug.  Rubbish disposal will be available, but the patrols must provide sacks.

All patrol members should ideally be in the same patrol within their troop/unit.  If this is not possible, they should all be from the same troop/unit; if not, two troops may enter a joint patrol.

Patrols must be of 5, 6 or 7 people.

Serious misdemeanours will result in the home contact being called to arrange immediate collection of individuals or the whole Patrol.

A quiz will be issued to all patrols on arrival.  The quiz is to be handed in by 11.00 Sunday for judging.

Example timetable

NB On-arrival patrols will be given individual timetables, which will provide bespoke times for some judged aspects to ensure that judges get to all areas.

Friday 30th June 2023

17.00-20.00 - All patrol members in full uniform (POR rule 10.7 and 10.11).  Patrol to report to the judging area for allocation of pitch and inspection (judged).

All equipment is to be loaded to the β€˜technical space’ immediately adjacent to the allocated pitch.  Nothing can be moved into the pitch itself until all adult helpers. have left the site completely. Set up a standing camp.

20.00 – all parents/supporters to have left the site

20.00 – Patrol Leaders briefing (APL to take charge)

22.00 lights out

Saturday 1st July 2023

07.00 – rise, wash and breakfast

07.00-10.00 – site development.  Judges will award points for thoughtful development of the pitch.  Think about fences, gates, gadgets to assist with cooking, cleaning etc.

10.00 – flag break (uniform tops only)

10.00-12.00 – judged inspection of pitches. This will cover tents, cooking areas, stores, site set up, gadgets etc.

12.30 Lunch

13.30-17.00 – bases – each patrol will be given a timetable detailing which base they are doing and when.  Bases will include navigation, canvas ridge tent pitching, hiking tent pitching and pioneering.  Patrols will be judged on senses, i.e. hearing, sight, smell, touch, memory and taste.

18.00 – Dinner – the highest scoring patrol will win the trophy.  The points will also be included in the overall trophy.  This should be a three-course meal with judging considering presentation, cooking and preparation.  Scouts can cook this on gas or alter fire, Explorer Scouts must cook this on an alter fire.  Total budget must be no greater than Β£5 per scout – receipts must be provided to the judges.

19.30-20.00 – Patrol Leaders Council (APL to take charge)

20.30-22.30 – campfire – hot beverages and a snack will be included – bring a mug and plate.

23.00 Lights out

Sunday 2nd July 2023

07.00- Rise, wash and breakfast

09.30 – Flag break and Scouts Own (full uniform – judged)

10.00-11.00 – final bases – as detailed in individual timetable

11.00-12.00 – judged inspection of pitches

12.30 – lunch and strike camp – all packed up equipment and belongings are to be neatly piled up in the technical area outside the pitch.  Adult helpers cannot enter the site until after the 14.15 inspection.

14.15 – judged inspection of the vacant pitch

15.00-16.00 – presentation of trophies and pennants (adult helpers are welcome to attend for this)

16.00 – scouts depart.

8 June

Annual Parade & Promise Renewal

12 August

Kandersteg Expedition 2025